The literature search engine of the University of Hohenheim
HohSearch enables you to search for book and journal titles (books & more) in the holdings of Hohenheim libraries as well as for articles (articles & more) in selected specialist databases and free Internet sources.
The local index reflects the Hohenheim library collection.
Access to licensed e-media is available in the university network. Outside the university network, members of the university have full access to the title lists in the "Articles & more" section and to the licensed e-media after logging in.
HohSearch enables you to search for book and journal titles (books & more) in the holdings of Hohenheim libraries as well as for articles (articles & more) in selected specialist databases and free Internet sources.
The local index reflects the Hohenheim library collection.
Access to licensed e-media is available in the university network. Outside the university network, members of the university have full access to the title lists in the "Articles & more" section and to the licensed e-media after logging in.